Drug Caucus

The Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control was established in 1985 and is a standing committee of the Senate. The caucus’ seven bipartisan members work to combat international narcotics trafficking and reduce domestic drug abuse.

Senator Feinstein is particularly interested in efforts to reduce drug trafficking and drug-related violence in Mexico and Afghanistan, as well as to more effectively address the opioid and drug overdose crisis that has gripped our nation.

The caucus has held hearings on strategies to dismantle Mexican drug trafficking organizations, money laundering, the proliferation of border tunnels along the Southwest border, the Taliban’s drug trafficking operations in Afghanistan and the trafficking of clandestinely produced fentanyl that is destined for the United States.

The caucus has also held a number of hearings focused on domestic policy including how to best stop methamphetamine production and abuse and the dangers of new and emerging drug trends that threaten public health and safety, including opioids, fentanyl, and synthetic drugs such as K2, Spice and bath salts.


As a result of her work on the Caucus, Senator Feinstein has been responsible the passage of a number of important pieces of legislation including the following:

  • The Transnational Drug Trafficking Act (P.L. 114-154). This bill allows for the prosecution of drug traffickers if there is a “reasonable cause to believe” that the drugs they are shipping will be trafficked into the United States. It also imposes penalties on individuals who manufacture or distribute precursor chemicals knowing that the chemicals will be used to make illicit drugs destined for the United States.
  • Two Border Prevention Tunneling Acts, which criminalize the financing and construction of cross-border tunnels. For more information on these bills, which were enacted in 2006 (P.L. 109-295) and 2012 (P.L. 109-295) click here.
  • Using Data to Prevent Opioid Diversion Act (P.L. 115-271). – This bill holds drug manufacturers and distributors accountable for failure to report suspicious orders of opioids, and was included in the comprehensive opioid package that was signed into law in 2018.
  • The SUPPORT Act (P.L. 115-271). In addition to the Using Data to Prevent Opioid Diversion Act, Senator Feinstein co-authored a number of other key provisions in the opioid package, known as the SUPPORT Act, including provisions to reauthorize the Office of National Drug Control Policy and other critical substance abuse prevention, treatment, and enforcement programs that directly benefit California, such as the Drug Free Communities, High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas and drug court programs.
  • Temporary Reauthorization and Study of the Emergency Scheduling of Fentanyl Analogues Act (P.L. 116-114). This bill extends by 15 months the DEA’s temporary order to make all fentanyl-related substances Schedule I and requires the GAO to assess the criminal justice and public health impacts of the classwide scheduling action. Senator Feinstein was the lead Democratic sponsor and co-author of this bill.


Senator Feinstein has authored a number of reports with her colleagues on how best to reduce the trafficking of illegal drugs and drug-related violence. Below is a list of recent reports the caucus has released:

The complete list of reports issued by the caucus, as well as a calendar of future and past caucus hearings, are available on the Drug Caucus website.

Source: Senator Feinstein’s official website