
California is home to nearly 2 million veterans, more than any other state. Senator Feinstein is committed to improving the services provided by the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Health Care

To reduce wait times at VA facilities and increase accountability within the department, Senator Feinstein supported the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act. She also supported the VA Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks Act (the VA MISSION Act), which expanded the VA caregiver program and access to health care in the community.

As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Feinstein has worked to increase funding for medical research on Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at California’s 10 Veterans Affairs Medical Centers.

She has also fought for funding to improve the VA’s medical records system to reduce the long wait periods too many returning veterans face when they apply for the health care benefits they have earned.

Veterans who were exposed to toxic fumes while fighting for our country are American heroes, and they deserve world-class care and benefits for their selfless service. The bipartisan PACT Act will help VA deliver for those veterans—and their survivors—by empowering us to presumptively provide care and benefits to vets suffering from more than 20 toxic exposure-related conditions.

To those veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors: you can apply for PACT Act benefits by filing a claim at VA, and you can learn more about the PACT ACT at or by calling 1-800-MyVA411.


Senator Feinstein believes the high rates of homelessness among veterans is unconscionable.

There are more than 19,500 homeless veterans in California, and 1 out of 10 of those lives in Los Angeles.

In September 2011, Senator Feinstein’s legislation to renovate facilities on the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center Campus passed the Senate and was signed by President Obama. The refurbished building will house homeless veterans and provide additional services for the most vulnerable veterans in Southern California.

Senator Feinstein is now pushing Congress and the administration to designate additional funding to house homeless veterans in additional buildings at the West LA VA.


Senator Feinstein believes the country must do more to help veterans reintegrate into civilian life and find good-paying jobs.

She supports providing opportunities for veterans to further their education and retrain after they leave military service, as well as incentivizing businesses to hire veterans.

Serving California’s Veterans

After decades of mismanagement at the West Los Angeles VA Campus, Senator Feinstein led an effort to halt these abusive practices and restore the campus to its intended purpose: service to veterans. In 2016, Congress passed the West Los Angeles Leasing Act, a law written by Senator Feinstein. This law requires that leases and land sharing agreements on the campus principally benefit veterans and their families. In addition to securing the passage of this law, Senator Feinstein has also worked to implement the Master Plan, which requires the development of 1,200 units of permanent supportive housing for homeless veterans.

Senator Feinstein’s office can assist California veterans in applying for health and education benefits. If you are a veteran and looking for assistance with your case, please contact Senator Feinstein’s San Francisco Office at (415) 393-0707.

The Small Business Administration Office of Veterans Business Development has resources for veteran-owned small businesses here. Information on the Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Program is available here.

Source: Senator Feinstein’s official website